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First hot sauce distributor in France- 1 000 references
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hot sauce

Welcome to the world of burningly hot sensations. Made using Naga and Habanero chillies, these outstanding sauces have extraordinary flavors. Absolutely addictive ! Use sparingly and with extreme caution to enhance any dish. We invite you to try them all !

Cajohn's Killer Chipotle Sauce

18 Conejo sauce Lengua de Fuego

Salsa Picante Hellicious


Cajohn's bourbon infused...

sauce calavera

Ghost of saffron sauce High Desert

Tarnation hot sauce Torchbearer

Rosalia Fire sauce Lengua de Fuego

Is a Hot ones

Sauce Dave's Gourmet Temporary

Cajohn's Momento Mori Sauce Cajohn's Momento Mori Sauce

Cajohn's Momento Mori Sauce


Yellowbird Ghost Pepper Condiment


Hotter than El Ghost sauce
